Sunday, May 16, 2010

Mercury in What??

Raise your hand if you have had some unusual experiences with your cell phones or computers the last few weeks, or any odd and possibly heated conversations seemingly out of the blue. Yep. I knew it. Me too. It was the end of Mercury in Retrograde about a week ago and the lingering effects are passing through.

It didn’t occur to me that we were in this cycle until a couple of days ago. Suddenly, I was having issues with my computer that seemed to come from nowhere and I was having a lot of “clearing the air” conversations. I realized that I had read a few weeks ago that we were nearing a retrograde cycle for Mercury.

“What does that mean?” you may be thinking. Well, to begin – because I like things to be thorough and concise in my explanations – you have to first understand that everything is connected. And, I mean everything. It is similar to the Butterfly Effect idea that the movement or positioning of one thing has an effect on its neighbors. This isn’t to say that if a butterfly flaps its wings, we have hurricanes in Mexico. It’s more like the causal nature of vibration.

Everything has a certain vibration to it – from rocks, the clothes we wear, and the stellar bodies in our solar system. Think of being next to a large speaker – the music is blaring, the bass is pumping and you can FEEL the vibration of the pulsing sound. That vibration effects you in some way or another – you may feel happy because you love the song, you may feel agitated because it reminds you of something in your past. One way or another, the vibration of that speaker is causing you to have a vibrational movement.

What does this have to do with Mercury? Everything ;) Mercury in mythology was the messenger of the gods. The vibration of the planet Mercury has everything to do with communication, technology, and the movement of energy. Communication isn’t necessarily just talking or corresponding – it is a flowing and movement of energy; a conversation between one space with another. The vibration and energy of Mercury helps keep all of those corresponding pathways clear. It is, actually, one of the most important cycles we as a whole go through.

A simple and good definition for the word retrograde is “moving, occurring, or performed in a backward direction”. When Mercury is in its retrograde cycle, it appears to be moving in a counter direction of its normal movement. The retrograde cycle itself generally lasts about 3 weeks with a about a week and a half after of adjusting to the ‘cleanse’.

A lot of people will experience issues with anything involving technology during this time. This can be your car, toaster, computer, cell phone – anything that is electronic. Business affairs tend to slow down while the purge is happening but can still happen. A lot of conversations that could be considered heated will happen during this time as well. It is just the vibration of Mercury pulling out all of the junk. What I mean by that is this – the Law of Attraction states that vibrations of an equal harmony and frequency will always be drawn together so long as the free will of the individual does not stand in the way of the magnetic pull. The vibration of Mercury in Retrograde resonates with anything that blocks the flow of communication. It is literally pulling out all of the junk blocking the flows on a global scale! When you think about it, it is really and truly epic.

So, the next time we are in a Mercury in Retrograde phase (and we will be), do your best to think of the benefits it will bring and that it is truly the way for the Universe to keep our flow free from blockages. The only thing we can do to keep it from being overly difficult is to think lovingly about the process and that it isn’t a bad thing – it is actually a very good thing! We can’t have lives full of joy and harmony when there is junk in the way. The pull of Mercury in Retrograde in a way does a lot of the work for us. We just have to be willing to allow it to work for us and fill the spaces it creates for us with love and, sometimes, nice new things.
The drawing today is showing my helpful Brownies clearing my computer. We did a lot of work on it! I am so thankful we were able to work our way through it.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Wind & Water

I woke up today with an air of excitement and a bit of uncertainty. I wasn’t too sure what was going to be given to me by Spirit for the FFG and combined with a few other elements happening in my life, I was having a bit of a time finding my way this morning.

I have a way of knowing what will happen in most cases before it does. You can call it having premonitions, being a psychic, or being just plain cool. The air around me really is what helps me. That may seem weird to some, but it is the Truth. Nothing gets by the Wind or can block where it goes. The main focus I was given today was the clouds in the sky - not really just the sky or the clouds, but how it is a combination of both Air and Water. Intellect and Intuition is what Air is the Element for. Water helps with the movement and flow of energy and the emotional releases we have in our day to day lives. Knowing how to run that course can be such a gift. Intellect and Intuition hand in hand is a wonderful tool and can be your greatest ally, but without the gift of the emotional aspect, where can we feel the joy for that knowing or the adventure up ahead? Knowing is one thing – experiencing it is a completely different thing.

Wind and water have a way of mixing in ways that can be both tumultuous and wonderful. Like, knowing when someone you love loves you in return, but they deny the feelings and do not speak their Truth. The feelings may be very rough to handle because you know that what they are feeling is not matching their words. Wind and Water, Heart and Mind – how do we get the two to be on the same page in those moments? It is like this:

Heart: “It isn’t working out like you said it would, Head! What is going on?”

Head: “Well, Heart, you have to hang in there. You know your Intuition is never wrong when you are thinking clearly. Wait and see. Watch and see – you will know what to do.”

Heart may not be very happy to hear this, but it will want to do the work to ensure that the Head was right. Being in alignment with yourself is what is key and golden for proper flow and for working out our process, but it can be hard when we feel we are not in alignment because our heart is having a hard time dealing with what is happening versus what we know. Trust your Head – trust your Intuition! Intuition is never, ever wrong – it is our innate ability to navigate our way through this world clearly and concisely. However, it can be clouded if your heart is being too loud or if Fear is in control.

Listen to your Intuition and your Intellect quietly. Find time to piece together what you know and what it is you feel from the situation. Know that if you follow your inner voice, you will get to a point where your Head and your Heart are in tune with each other. It is the dissonance at times that is necessary to really experience the pleasure in the harmonies.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Dragonfly Medicine

Today I drew from my memory again my time in Missouri – the same time my mind was led to yesterday. What was amazing about my trip that year was when I got there, I was led to the farthest point I thought possible from all of the other campers. I looked at the hill that was going to be my new home for the next few days and thought it was nice enough. The splendor that really grabbed my attention was that the area I was guided to was filled with Dragonflies! I had not ever in my life seen so many Dragonflies fill the air at once. To be sure I wasn’t exaggerating my own experience, I took the time to see if they were everywhere else or just around me. They were only in the area I was about to temporarily claim as my home. What a Blessing!

Messages can come to us in many forms and the message of Dragonfly that day was very clear and present. It is a message of more than just Faerie – because they are an insect that resonates with the Fae and actively take care of both the Physical and Energetic planes. The medicine of Dragonfly encourages us to see our own beauty and the wonderful change it can bring to the world around you. It is similar to Butterfly in that it is a medicine of change but where as Butterfly is more about the metamorphosis of the self to its fullest potential, Dragonfly holds the vibration of creating change wherever it is you walk, or fly, so to speak.

They encourage us in their message when we see them to be the change we wish to see. They have the lives of the shortest spans yet have no trouble in accepting their gifts of flight and beauty. The change we feel when seeing something beautiful is quite potent. It is strong and desirable to maintain. Why we seek constantly for beautiful and inspiring things is not a secret. The vibration it causes in seeking and finding something we think is beautiful is inspiring and can be the springboard to our next growth spurt and change in and for a good way.

Remember to think of Dragonfly when you wish to see a change and the “how” is unknowable to you, if you wish to see Magic in your daily life and want to inspire the beautiful awakenings that can be found with that kind of Magic. Fae magic is subtle yet powerful and that is the kind of Magic and change Dragonfly carries with it. It carries the harmonies of creating Gold and Wealth in your grid if you only learn how to accept it. They create a change that is subtle yet impacting. It only takes a small grain of sand to make a Pearl.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


I went to a part of Missouri near the Mark Twain National Forest about a year and a half ago. I do my best to make it there every year in the summer because it is absolutely beautiful and I always have an amazing time camping in that area.

I went to start my first version of the field journal I am doing now. I had just gotten through to myself that this was my gift and I wanted to go and record every little Fae I could find into my sketch book. It was a very good time of discovery.

Part of what I get to do now is actually record accurately all that I did see. I spent more time in awe and wonder seeing them than I did actually recording them. Thankfully I have a great memory and photographs to help with the recollection.

What came to me today with some guided help from Spirit was remembering the spirit of the woods that resided in that part of the country. Wood spirits are many and have very many forms. The one that I was drawn to in my memory today was more ethereal than anything. You could pick it out with your vision because it manifested as a form of vapor over the trees. Now, for the skeptics out there, it was not a low cloud. The day was clear and bright and there was not a reason for there to be such low cloud vapor anywhere. Also, the energy was not the same as a cloud.

The wood spirit was there to do much the same as any Guardian – to love, protect, and shield the area. Her job was more to love the trees and keep them guarded from the campers that were not so kind to Nature. She drifts in and out among them, over the tree tops and to the ground. Her area of protection could stretch miles if needed, but her home is that wooded area.

She doesn’t necessarily have a name and isn’t even necessarily a ‘she’. Her forms are many and will rarely show an actual face.

A Message From the Wood Guardian:
“I am here and there and everywhere. I’m where you think is a misty form of rain and may think has no reason for being. I’m there to grant the dreams of the trees who only want to be safe and rescued from those who care little for them. My home is with them and their home with me. Take care of them so they can take care of you.”
It was a pleasure going back and looking through my mind’s eye at the time I spent there and the things I experienced. I hope to go back soon to see what else I can find and who will be captured in my mental viewfinder. We’ll go back again in my memory too – so many to record! =D

Monday, May 10, 2010


I was away for about a week and wasn’t able to do my journaling the way I would have liked to. The time away was well spent, though, and I had many Fae come to my attention wanting to be seen, noticed, and potentially drawn.

The area I went to for those days was Sedona, AZ. Anything about Sedona you may have heard is more than likely true. It is an area of great intensity in its vibration, colors and spiritual awakenings. It has become an area known for its energy and good vibrations. The vortex points in and around the area help with these things and are amazing to wander through or near.

The Fae that wanted to be drawn today was one that found me while I was on the last hike of my visit. I went to Bell Rock and it has several trails around and near it. He wanted me to draw him the way I had been intuiting and drawing the others. I told him I would do my best to fit him in because I find so many that want to be added to the field journal.

He, like so many others, has been seen in densely wooded forests for as long as anyone can remember. They unfortunately began getting a bad reputation though because their behavior is very misunderstood. These wood Fae are often called Pan, or Phooka, and the larger ones Satyrs. They are not all what they seem to be. Like, the Phooka in its legends is known to lead travelers off of their path into dangerous areas intentionally to hurt them. Pan is known as a forest guardian, playing merry music and adding magic and mischief to those people who see him. Satyrs are often looked upon as being malevolent and mean-spirited.

The fact lies in the middle of all of these assumptions. The wood Fae of this type haven’t a name they like to be called specifically. They told me, if they had to choose one, they would like to be called Pan because his story is the one that fits them the best. They are known to lead wood wanderers off of their path but not intentionally into danger. They look to find something that interests you and wish for you to see it. My first experience with one led me not far from where I was going to a tree. It had a blue ribbon left hanging in it and the little Pan wished for me to enjoy the beauty in the color. As soon as he led me to the spot he wanted me to see, he vanished – as they often do ;). Artists and storytellers have described them as having cloven hooves, the legs of goats or deer, and horns of all varieties. Really, they are not half-man and half-animal. Their essence is all Tree with human attributes. The Fae of all type love to imitate humans in their mannerisms, clothing, and appearance. These Pan love the sinewy shape of arms and torsos. They like to keep them uncovered to help us see how they resemble us and show us that they like us in that way. Remember that to them, imitation is the highest form of flattery. Their legs, feet, and antlers are all tree or bark. Some will have a little ‘beard’ that is another resemblance to their friends in mankind but even this is another form of their tree essence.

Pan has had a lot of stories told about him. Legends and myth are unkind to them. Their magic lies in knowing how to dance and dwell in the forest. They are not unkind or mean spirited. The older ones are a bit more rigid and even gruff to an extent because their purpose is to keep all of the Fae of their territory safe and bring them back home when they have been taken away. They are old in their profession and are more Guardians to their territories than anything. What may seem as mean-spirited or malevolent is the personality of a Guardian not willing to bend the rules.

Pan lives only in highly dense woods and forests. They like to be seen but they also love to jump in and out of the dimensional fields to disappear. Part of that is a game to see if you can follow them. Part of it is their magic – the idea of “Now you see me, now you don’t”. Their laughter can be heard in the stillness when you think you have heard something else, and will sound mysteriously like a faraway echo. They can be seen only in ways that they wish to – no Fae will allow you to see them if they do not wish it.

They wish to remind us all that they are not the devils or mean spirits they have been made out to be. They like to laugh and play. They add a mystical feeling to the woods and inspire magic in our hearts and our eyes. They lead us to areas that will inspire us in one way or another. A pretty blue ribbon to one may be disregarded debris to another but they will know what you like to see. Trust that they will take you to areas you will like – just know that you have to remain calm and sensible in that it is your responsibility to find your way back and to thank them for whatever gift they brought you to see.

A Message From the Wood Fae Pan:
“We are Kind and Free like the Trees. We like to hop and dance and lead you to things. We are not Mean, we are Free and we are Happy. We can see you, can you see We?”
I know it may seem crazy that anything like this exists. It isn’t that they don’t want to be seen, it is that they have to have trust in order to be seen. It is the same with any friendship – you bare your soul to your most trusted companions. When Fae are seen, that is exactly what they are doing – letting us see them in their entirety. Take the time to find your Faerie Sight. It is a blessing you will not regret.

Saturday, May 1, 2010


I’ve been away for a few days doing a lot of work on the personal side of things. The thing is with intuitive living is that everything you do you can tell in one way or another is connected to everything else. So, in a way, I have been doing my blogging duties I’ve assigned for myself just in an indirect way.

I went for a walk 2 days ago and it was very windy. Dust was blowing everywhere and it’s a wonder I didn’t return home blind from all of the sand I had in my eyes. It was fun though. The wind itself gave me a clearing that only it could provide.

I was led to a neighbor’s yard I had found before about a month ago. It had me at hello. It is this home that has both an odd feeling of being lived in and being abandoned. The yard is what called me and the Fae that have found a way to make the place a little secret garden.

The plant life isn’t highly unusual – a few trees, a couple of palms, bougainvillea and a few other plants that have sprung up. What makes it so wonderful is the combination of a few things – the trees, the stone wall, and the lovely stone statue in front of the door.

Guardians are everywhere and can be such a splendor to have in our lives. Trees are amazing guardians and only need the extra love and permission to do their job. They keep the surrounding areas safe, protect the home from harm, and can offer simple comforts as shade and seasonal beauty. The thing with trees is that they will oftentimes ask their neighboring allies for help if needed. They are a strong faction and have always bent their limbs to give us comfort. Remember the book The Giving Tree? It speaks very clearly about the giving and eternally kind nature of trees.

Guardian Angels in the garden or anywhere in your home is a welcomed thing. Statues like the one I drew can be found in home and garden stores. The lovely thing about statues is that they give an essence – be it Fae, Angel, or your own personal guide – a place to ground to. It gives them a way to be more effective in their work. Not all statues have a guardian essence but they could so long as you give them ample amounts of love and light. Think of it as making a home ready for a good friend and when one moves in, just keep taking care of it as you did before. Their jobs are much the same as trees, however, they have the ease of movement and aren’t necessarily restricted to the statue.

Bringing a Guardian into your world can be very enriching. Love your neighboring trees as a start to creating this vibration. Love a statue you find endearing or eye catching – if you love it, so will a Faerie or an Angel. They want to help and only need the permission to do so.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Butterfly Medicine

I had to do some unexpected work today that kept me from getting to the FFG as soon as I would have liked. It isn’t to say that it was disagreeable work but, in all honesty, had everything to do with the message today.

I was finishing my lunch and had the momentary pleasure of seeing a butterfly dart across the front of my window. “Oh!” I thought, “Butterfly Medicine! I love Butterfly Medicine!” ;)

Butterfly is a creature that is not necessarily Fae. It does not, as in our definition, take care of the energy of both the Spiritual and Physical planes. Butterfly though carries a very important message that the Fae love to support and do so by giving Butterfly the nutrition it needs through the nectar in flowers and the leaves for it to eat when it is a young caterpillar.

Butterfly teaches us all to reach for our potential and how the growth and transformation in the middle can be truly magical. Think for just a moment the growth that a Butterfly goes through when it starts as a young caterpillar. It grows by eating and eating until it is time to change. We can learn so much from the process of Butterfly’s life by listening to its growth phase alone. It isn’t telling you to eat and eat until you are so full you cannot move, but to eat so you CAN grow and so you CAN transform. – to fill yourselves and your lives with things you can grow and be nurtured from. This is not only in food but in friends, family, and environment.

The rest of Butterfly’s growth is done in a space we cannot see. It is truly a room that is secretive and silent, no views and nothing from the outside world is aloud in until the full and total growth process and the transformation has been completed. And what a change too! Nothing is as completely wonderful in its total change as Butterfly. Not only is it a completely different form, but it has a new identity, has new strengths, new abilities, and… wings that are often times so breath taking, we haven’t any choice but to stop and stare with marvel and wonderment.

How wonderful a message that is – to grow and TRANSFORM into such a state of beauty that you are literally breathtaking and stop the world in its tracks. This is not true just for Butterfly , but for all of us. We have to choose to grow, to seek our potential and to STRIVE for it, knowing that the work in the middle is well-worth the change and utter beauty at the end. Butterfly can be sought after when you are looking to see where your potential may be. We all have a wonderful light to share with ourselves and the world. The truth in Butterfly Medicine is that it doesn’t just stop there but it has the potential to only keep getting better.

Monday, April 26, 2010

'Ole Ander

I wandered today around the block and down a street I hadn’t been yet. I live where there aren’t a lot of barriers between houses and yards and can flow from area to area between all of the paths and roads. I was led today to an area that had an abandoned home and the yard is really overgrown. The two trees in the yard looked like they had seen better days and the lemon tree in the back was a sad sight to see. I was there to really learn about the Oleander that was growing on the side of the house.

Oleander has a wonderful ability to grow in nearly every state here in the US. It is found in the form of trees, shrubs, or very tall bushes that can grow to be 10-12 feet tall and have a girth of 5-6 feet. They can have blooms of white, pink, or a very dark red.

Most people use the tall bushy kind as a natural border between their homes and the outside world. What is interesting is that Oleander’s energetic properties are very much a Guardian and a barrier between the two areas it lies between.

Oleander may be one of the more versatile Guardian plants around and have hundreds of tiny flowers that seem to be in perpetual bloom. The Fae of Oleander know how to work their magic in a spectacular way. More often than not, plants whose energetic property is to be a guardian or barrier are thorny or unpleasant to look at - think of rose bushes, hawthorn, and the cactus. Some of those are very attractive yet are very hard to handle because of the thorns.

Oleander does more than keep out negativity or energy that does not harmonize with the area being protected. It cleans and assimilates those energies into something that WILL harmonize and resonate with the areas it is a boundary for. Oleander does work that is unlike any other plant here in Arizona that I have seen so far. It can be beautiful and a great protector at the same time.

Use Oleander between areas that may have a view or access to a street or alley, or where there is a lot of foot traffic and you wish the other side of the plant to be peaceful and stable.

Call upon Oleander Fae if you need a quick harmonizing between one spot and another. It will not have as lasting of an effect as if you were to plant an Oleander bush or tree, but the Oleander Fae will do their best to ground their work into something else so the energy has a chance to harmonize and effect the area as you wished.

A Message From the Oleander Faeries:
“We spring free to help the energy. We fly to Be and to bring Harmony. We flee towards the Dark Energy to make it very pretty. We bring peace and prosperity.”
The home I was guided to today had a very large Oleander bush that was the only thing that was thriving. I could see where it was working very hard to bring peace to that home again. It helps when you see something like that to send it as much Love as you can to help it along. Who likes to see abandoned lots and homes anyway? They are sad and are looking for families to call them a good home.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Sharing the Dreams

Sundays are the day to rest at the FFG. My traveling shoes are put away for the day so I can kick back with some coffee and dream out my window. Dreaming is how anything big and grand begins! Today (and every Sunday hereafter) we will look at other artists' dreams they have put onto the page.

This has been one of my favorite paintings for years. My good friend in high school surprised me with a beautiful canvas print of the painting and it’s been with me ever since.  I love how she is just stopped in awe over the little Faeries and they welcome her with all of their Light and Love.

Midsummer's Eve
Edward Robert Hughes

This is from a German digital artist named Benita Winckler. Her work, to me, seems to allow you to forget that it is digital media and glows with a life of its own. Very stunning.

The Beckoning
Benita Winckler

The last one is from a painter who mixes fantasy and realism. Howard David Johnson helps us conceive of the stories we grew up listening to as being an actual history rather than make-believe with his paintings.

The Faerie Grove
Howard David Johnson

If you find any Faerie art that inspires you and you wish to share it with me and other readers, please send me an e-mail with the file in the form of a JPG and please remember to include the name of the piece and the artist. I like to give credit where credit is due. ;)

Take care and have a wonderful Sunday!

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Prickle These Pears

I have the fortunate experience of living in an area that has some unique foliage. Cactui are so weird to me! They can grow any which way, live as long as trees and are unbelievably rugged. They’re beauty is unsurpassed in the spring when they are in bloom. Bright, bold blooms on the tops of the arms or the leaves are more than eye-catching – they are riveting! Tiny suns exploded from the Prickly Pear Cactus across the street. It is hard to stop staring at them and finding new angles to appreciate.

The Fae of cactus aren’t too different from the flower Faeries we found yesterday. They act as guardians to the area like the needles of the cactus, keeping away debris or harmful intentions. They keep their homes clean in the same way and hope to enhance the world with their kind of strange beauty. They will either look a lot like the blooms of the flowers or an amalgamation of the flower and the stalk having thorny protrusions from their skin.

A Message from the Cactus Fae:
“Friends we have few of – we aren’t too delicate and we have thorny sides but we are still as loving and as caring as others of our kind. We are in areas that are harsher than most. Our qualities match our exteriors – thick skinned, protected, and full of sweetness in the middle. We would like to offer our blessing to your homes. We are the easiest to care for and don’t mind if you forget to come by and say ‘Hi’ – we’ll still be there without having suffered.”
Today is Saturday! It is a day for Adventure. Enjoy your day and your weather wherever and whatever it may be. =D

Friday, April 23, 2010

The Faeries Next Door

Today I was guided to go for a little walk – not far actually, just right next door where my neighbors have a beautiful yard and some amazing rose bushes of so many colors. I found it hard to only pick two plants to work with today, but I managed.

We find ourselves in places looking at things we see everyday and don’t always look to see the beauty in them. I was concerned about what to do for today’s post and was told “Don’t worry! We have it all planned for you!”. I walk outside, go next door, and literally did a facepalm because I forgot about the beautiful flowers in my neighbor’s yard.

The flower Faeries I found today were all hard at work taking care of their lovely little homes. This is the time of year they really get to show their best work. It’s the time of year where they spring into full bloom and have the opportunity to be seen at their fullest.

Flower Faeries of all types have a strong tendency to look a lot like the flowers they come from. Many times we see pictures of Fae in nature with butterfly or dragonfly wings. This is not so for all of them, especially the essences of flowers. Their forms are so similar to the flowers that it is hard to tell if you are seeing them or the flower itself. Their wings (if they have them) will be more like the petals than like dragonfly or butterfly wings. They like to dart from blossom to blossom being sure that each one is cared for to the fullest, clearing and providing clean energy so the whole plant can literally glow.

All flowers have the potential of being such beautiful little life forces. Not every one has the privilege of being able to release its Faerie essence if the energy around it is poor or of a low vibration. Love the areas around you so you can see how bright these everyday friends can shine and add even more splendor to their beauty and to your sight.

A Message From the Flower Faeries:
“We like to hide in the leaves. We aren’t really too concerned with eyes spying us. We work hard to keep our blooms blossoming as long as they can. We could use your help! We could use your Love and your bright lights you carry with you in your hearts. They help us give more brightness to our homes which helps your homes! It is how we Fae work – we give to you so you can give back and then we can give even more! We are friends that can give and give so long as a little Love is given first. “
It helped me today to draw these friends. It helped me with some things I needed to go through and realize. I hope by looking at the drawings it helps you too in some way. Thank you for coming back. ;) We have so much more to share!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Field the Field

I found myself drawn to the backside of my apartment today. It is kind of in the middle of nowhere in a neighborhood that was missed by the track-home developments.

Behind my home is this lot that is really wild with growth. I can see rabbits occasionally and plenty of lizards. What we don’t often see are the little ones that peep from the sides of the tall grasses that can grow wild anywhere.

The tall grasses here are similar to that in most places – gangly, stick-like and often more brown than green. There is also the kind that looks like miniature stalks of wheat – I like those the best. ;)

I had to look very carefully and be quite still because the Faeries that live in those kinds of grasses are choosy about who sees them. If you are careful enough, you just might see one. “How do you know?”, you may ask – well… think of it as a big game of hide-and-seek. You are guaranteed to see one only if you look – that is the name of the game, isn’t it?

Fae of fields and grasses will stand starkly still with the grasses when you look at them, “hoping” that maybe you didn’t see them. When you look away is when they will move or shift into a form that isn’t so noticeable anymore. That is part of the game they play. They like to be out though, so disappearing isn’t their preferred activity. Think of being outdoors as being in their home and how you wouldn’t want to have to be forced to disappear or be invisible in your house.

I found one in the tiny wheat-like grasses who was pleased as pie to be seen. She smiled and looked at me with wide eyes and a gorgeous smile. She was hoping I would notice her and say ‘Hello’.

The other two were a little harder to find. They like to walk through the grasses with the breeze and it is hard to tell who is moving what – did the grass move because of the breeze or because of tiny spirits passing through them?

Sit still some evening near an area that is wild and free. See if you can notice anything that may be an essence of the field. They like to play with our vision and sit at the corner of our eyesight so when you turn quickly to look… it may appear to be nothing at all. That is a guaranteed sign that you did see one – just what kind is the question. ;)

A Message From the Fae of the Field Grasses:
“tee-hee! We like to be seen and not heard, but only seen by those who want to see. We will play with you and make you wonder if what you thought you saw was real or not. It is our game and our fun and we want you to have fun with us. We can always find you. Can you find us? We’ll let you know by swaying softly when there isn’t any wind or dancing at the sides of your sight. Sit and swing in the breeze with us! Listen to the moments of silence near our fields. We will play and whistle if you take the time to notice us.”
Field Fae are some of my favorite to witness because of how funny they are. They like to pretend they weren’t seen but when it is obvious you did, they will smile and dance and then dash away to somewhere new. It is a Faeries joy to be seen and loved. I think we can all appreciate that sentiment.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

East Most Peninsula is the Secret

The East today is what woke me up in grand splendor – not just the sun coming up from the east as it does every morning, but the wind and the rain and all of the clouds traveling in that direction. “What is going on?”, I thought as I woke up. It was all very strange weather indeed.

It was strange in a unique and in a good way, not really bad. It was all gleeful and cheery in its blustery ways. I had to think about it and I was guided to do Grandfather Wind today for the FFG.

East and Grandfather Wind go hand in hand. East is as much an Element as Wind or Earth. It is more so, though, because it exhibits all the qualities of Air and Wind and the qualities of East itself.

Think of all of the glorious things that come from the East – the rising sun every morning, the Orient, even our eastern side of the country has its own distinct flair that can only be characterized by the East.

East is not so much an Element or Faerie as it is an Entirety. It is a movement with the Universe to help keep things going. East is akin to moving clockwise and all of the forward momentum in that movement. We do not want to move backwards but forward. “Time is of the essence!”, East says. East and Grandfather Wind often work together and help with the movement of everything – the change in the weather, temperaments of people and areas, calming and soothing areas with its breeze. When things get too mucky, it can get quite forceful to really scrub away the yuck – hence why we have big storms like hurricanes, tornadoes and tsunamis. Forceful weather is not meant to be destructive – it is meant to be cleansing. Can you imagine experiencing the inside of your washing machine or your dishwasher? It would feel quite violent on the inside but we know as viewers on the outside of those environments that they are cleaning up for us and doing us a grand favor. Work can often times be messy, but it is the end result we are after – the clarity and greatness in the end product.

A Message From the East and Grandfather Wind:
“Children of our World, listen well to what she tells you. We are not harmful or meaning to destroy. We bring harmony in a way that can only be classified as momentous. We are gentle when we need to be gentle. Our intent is solely for the Highest and Best Good of All, whether they know it or not. Weep not for families in the devastation. Love them instead. Love is the power by which our force is propelled by and nothing else. Your world has a Heart and a core of Love – nothing but Love can be born from Love.”
Everyday I find away to enjoy again all of the things I’ve learned. Each Spirit has its own unique voice and message. I’m so blessed to be able to share what I know. Come again!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Lite & Airy

Our adventures today don’t lead us too far – in fact, both of the Faeries I found today literally live right outside my front door ;).

Air is everywhere. It is the element of clarity and wisdom. It also helps clear our intuition, blowing away the debris clogging it up. Our air elemental friends today visit me often. This one is one who lives more or less in the rock garden below my front steps. She decides to take care of the area around the front and around the bushes to help keep things clear. It is her home because she likes the kids that live in the apartment below me. They often will breeze by her without ever knowing but she loves to hear them laugh and play.

The other friend I found finds me! He breezes into my kitchen window, rattling the blinds to say hello. He likes to hear the noise that it makes and will make it rattle as loud as possible laughing right along with it. He finds joy in coming in and out whenever he wants – I leave my window open for him because he has a friendly breeze.

A Message From the Air Elementals:
“Friends we have few of because our duties take us far and wide – we are the wind that blows people to their destination. Our tiny friends that choose to stay in local areas live to hear the laughter of people and uplift their hearts when they are down. Let the wind bring you lighthearted laughter and clear your mind. We are never far.”
What will we find tomorrow? I don’t know, but I know I won’t have to look far. Until then ;)

Monday, April 19, 2010

Brownie Business

Welcome to The Faerie Field Guide!  My name is Nicole the Faerie Lady and I will be your guide and your illustrator ;).  Today we will be looking at our at-home and live-in faerie friends, Brownies.  Brownies are so fun and they are very helpful to our homes.  They are meant to help keep the home tidy and the energy flowing.  When you see them, you may only see something dash away out of the corner of your eye.  They are often found near the hearth of the home, or the kitchen.  They laugh and play along with their work and are never bored with their duty.  They like to live with us and help us – it is their pleasure to help us with our housework and to keep our home happy and healthy.

These two Brownies are the two that live with me in my home. My home is a small apartment. They are not the only two here but were the first to jump in line for their picture. They love to see themselves through our eyes.Everyone has a Brownie! And, every home has its own Brownie too. So, really, we all have at least 2 and can have many more. Brownies, like all Fae, love having friends over and will oftentimes invite neighboring Brownies over for fun and to help in the labor – but mostly for the fun. :D

Brownies come in all shapes and sizes. Typically, they look somewhat unkempt and have unruly hair. Their clothing is not a necessity but an imitation out of flattery for us. They love to show us how much they love us by imitating what we do and do that by wearing similar clothing, although it tends to be a bit rumpled from all of the work and play they do.


A Message From the Brownies: 
"Be happy with yourselves and love your friends.  Friends and family add Heart and Love to your home!  So does good work.  Keep your hands clean and your work areas clean too.  We will help where we can even if you don’t know we are there.  We like to help!  We like to help even if we know we will not ever be thanked for it.  But, if you do thank us, we will be able and happy to help out even more!"
Come back again tomorrow!  Everyday will have new portraits and a little bit of information.  We have a whole world to explore and so much to learn.  Until then ;)