I wandered today around the block and down a street I hadn’t been yet. I live where there aren’t a lot of barriers between houses and yards and can flow from area to area between all of the paths and roads. I was led today to an area that had an abandoned home and the yard is really overgrown. The two trees in the yard looked like they had seen better days and the lemon tree in the back was a sad sight to see. I was there to really learn about the Oleander that was growing on the side of the house.
Oleander has a wonderful ability to grow in nearly every state here in the US. It is found in the form of trees, shrubs, or very tall bushes that can grow to be 10-12 feet tall and have a girth of 5-6 feet. They can have blooms of white, pink, or a very dark red.
Most people use the tall bushy kind as a natural border between their homes and the outside world. What is interesting is that Oleander’s energetic properties are very much a Guardian and a barrier between the two areas it lies between.
Oleander may be one of the more versatile Guardian plants around and have hundreds of tiny flowers that seem to be in perpetual bloom. The Fae of Oleander know how to work their magic in a spectacular way. More often than not, plants whose energetic property is to be a guardian or barrier are thorny or unpleasant to look at - think of rose bushes, hawthorn, and the cactus. Some of those are very attractive yet are very hard to handle because of the thorns.
Oleander does more than keep out negativity or energy that does not harmonize with the area being protected. It cleans and assimilates those energies into something that WILL harmonize and resonate with the areas it is a boundary for. Oleander does work that is unlike any other plant here in Arizona that I have seen so far. It can be beautiful and a great protector at the same time.
Use Oleander between areas that may have a view or access to a street or alley, or where there is a lot of foot traffic and you wish the other side of the plant to be peaceful and stable.
Call upon Oleander Fae if you need a quick harmonizing between one spot and another. It will not have as lasting of an effect as if you were to plant an Oleander bush or tree, but the Oleander Fae will do their best to ground their work into something else so the energy has a chance to harmonize and effect the area as you wished.
A Message From the Oleander Faeries:
“We spring free to help the energy. We fly to Be and to bring Harmony. We flee towards the Dark Energy to make it very pretty. We bring peace and prosperity.”
The home I was guided to today had a very large Oleander bush that was the only thing that was thriving. I could see where it was working very hard to bring peace to that home again. It helps when you see something like that to send it as much Love as you can to help it along. Who likes to see abandoned lots and homes anyway? They are sad and are looking for families to call them a good home.