Wednesday, April 21, 2010

East Most Peninsula is the Secret

The East today is what woke me up in grand splendor – not just the sun coming up from the east as it does every morning, but the wind and the rain and all of the clouds traveling in that direction. “What is going on?”, I thought as I woke up. It was all very strange weather indeed.

It was strange in a unique and in a good way, not really bad. It was all gleeful and cheery in its blustery ways. I had to think about it and I was guided to do Grandfather Wind today for the FFG.

East and Grandfather Wind go hand in hand. East is as much an Element as Wind or Earth. It is more so, though, because it exhibits all the qualities of Air and Wind and the qualities of East itself.

Think of all of the glorious things that come from the East – the rising sun every morning, the Orient, even our eastern side of the country has its own distinct flair that can only be characterized by the East.

East is not so much an Element or Faerie as it is an Entirety. It is a movement with the Universe to help keep things going. East is akin to moving clockwise and all of the forward momentum in that movement. We do not want to move backwards but forward. “Time is of the essence!”, East says. East and Grandfather Wind often work together and help with the movement of everything – the change in the weather, temperaments of people and areas, calming and soothing areas with its breeze. When things get too mucky, it can get quite forceful to really scrub away the yuck – hence why we have big storms like hurricanes, tornadoes and tsunamis. Forceful weather is not meant to be destructive – it is meant to be cleansing. Can you imagine experiencing the inside of your washing machine or your dishwasher? It would feel quite violent on the inside but we know as viewers on the outside of those environments that they are cleaning up for us and doing us a grand favor. Work can often times be messy, but it is the end result we are after – the clarity and greatness in the end product.

A Message From the East and Grandfather Wind:
“Children of our World, listen well to what she tells you. We are not harmful or meaning to destroy. We bring harmony in a way that can only be classified as momentous. We are gentle when we need to be gentle. Our intent is solely for the Highest and Best Good of All, whether they know it or not. Weep not for families in the devastation. Love them instead. Love is the power by which our force is propelled by and nothing else. Your world has a Heart and a core of Love – nothing but Love can be born from Love.”
Everyday I find away to enjoy again all of the things I’ve learned. Each Spirit has its own unique voice and message. I’m so blessed to be able to share what I know. Come again!

1 comment:

  1. I love that you are doing a faerie field guide! I love those lil guys!!
