Monday, April 19, 2010

Brownie Business

Welcome to The Faerie Field Guide!  My name is Nicole the Faerie Lady and I will be your guide and your illustrator ;).  Today we will be looking at our at-home and live-in faerie friends, Brownies.  Brownies are so fun and they are very helpful to our homes.  They are meant to help keep the home tidy and the energy flowing.  When you see them, you may only see something dash away out of the corner of your eye.  They are often found near the hearth of the home, or the kitchen.  They laugh and play along with their work and are never bored with their duty.  They like to live with us and help us – it is their pleasure to help us with our housework and to keep our home happy and healthy.

These two Brownies are the two that live with me in my home. My home is a small apartment. They are not the only two here but were the first to jump in line for their picture. They love to see themselves through our eyes.Everyone has a Brownie! And, every home has its own Brownie too. So, really, we all have at least 2 and can have many more. Brownies, like all Fae, love having friends over and will oftentimes invite neighboring Brownies over for fun and to help in the labor – but mostly for the fun. :D

Brownies come in all shapes and sizes. Typically, they look somewhat unkempt and have unruly hair. Their clothing is not a necessity but an imitation out of flattery for us. They love to show us how much they love us by imitating what we do and do that by wearing similar clothing, although it tends to be a bit rumpled from all of the work and play they do.


A Message From the Brownies: 
"Be happy with yourselves and love your friends.  Friends and family add Heart and Love to your home!  So does good work.  Keep your hands clean and your work areas clean too.  We will help where we can even if you don’t know we are there.  We like to help!  We like to help even if we know we will not ever be thanked for it.  But, if you do thank us, we will be able and happy to help out even more!"
Come back again tomorrow!  Everyday will have new portraits and a little bit of information.  We have a whole world to explore and so much to learn.  Until then ;)


  1. Your blog is adorable. It makes me want to pull out my copy of Lady Cottington's Pressed Faerie Book.

  2. Looking good, Nicole. Nice to see this up and running. :)
