The area I went to for those days was Sedona, AZ. Anything about Sedona you may have heard is more than likely true. It is an area of great intensity in its vibration, colors and spiritual awakenings. It has become an area known for its energy and good vibrations. The vortex points in and around the area help with these things and are amazing to wander through or near.
The Fae that wanted to be drawn today was one that found me while I was on the last hike of my visit. I went to Bell Rock and it has several trails around and near it. He wanted me to draw him the way I had been intuiting and drawing the others. I told him I would do my best to fit him in because I find so many that want to be added to the field journal.
He, like so many others, has been seen in densely wooded forests for as long as anyone can remember. They unfortunately began getting a bad reputation though because their behavior is very misunderstood. These wood Fae are often called Pan, or Phooka, and the larger ones Satyrs. They are not all what they seem to be. Like, the Phooka in its legends is known to lead travelers off of their path into dangerous areas intentionally to hurt them. Pan is known as a forest guardian, playing merry music and adding magic and mischief to those people who see him. Satyrs are often looked upon as being malevolent and mean-spirited.
The fact lies in the middle of all of these assumptions. The wood Fae of this type haven’t a name they like to be called specifically. They told me, if they had to choose one, they would like to be called Pan because his story is the one that fits them the best. They are known to lead wood wanderers off of their path but not intentionally into danger. They look to find something that interests you and wish for you to see it. My first experience with one led me not far from where I was going to a tree. It had a blue ribbon left hanging in it and the little Pan wished for me to enjoy the beauty in the color. As soon as he led me to the spot he wanted me to see, he vanished – as they often do ;). Artists and storytellers have described them as having cloven hooves, the legs of goats or deer, and horns of all varieties. Really, they are not half-man and half-animal. Their essence is all Tree with human attributes. The Fae of all type love to imitate humans in their mannerisms, clothing, and appearance. These Pan love the sinewy shape of arms and torsos. They like to keep them uncovered to help us see how they resemble us and show us that they like us in that way. Remember that to them, imitation is the highest form of flattery. Their legs, feet, and antlers are all tree or bark. Some will have a little ‘beard’ that is another resemblance to their friends in mankind but even this is another form of their tree essence.
Pan has had a lot of stories told about him. Legends and myth are unkind to them. Their magic lies in knowing how to dance and dwell in the forest. They are not unkind or mean spirited. The older ones are a bit more rigid and even gruff to an extent because their purpose is to keep all of the Fae of their territory safe and bring them back home when they have been taken away. They are old in their profession and are more Guardians to their territories than anything. What may seem as mean-spirited or malevolent is the personality of a Guardian not willing to bend the rules.
Pan lives only in highly dense woods and forests. They like to be seen but they also love to jump in and out of the dimensional fields to disappear. Part of that is a game to see if you can follow them. Part of it is their magic – the idea of “Now you see me, now you don’t”. Their laughter can be heard in the stillness when you think you have heard something else, and will sound mysteriously like a faraway echo. They can be seen only in ways that they wish to – no Fae will allow you to see them if they do not wish it.
They wish to remind us all that they are not the devils or mean spirits they have been made out to be. They like to laugh and play. They add a mystical feeling to the woods and inspire magic in our hearts and our eyes. They lead us to areas that will inspire us in one way or another. A pretty blue ribbon to one may be disregarded debris to another but they will know what you like to see. Trust that they will take you to areas you will like – just know that you have to remain calm and sensible in that it is your responsibility to find your way back and to thank them for whatever gift they brought you to see.
A Message From the Wood Fae Pan:
“We are Kind and Free like the Trees. We like to hop and dance and lead you to things. We are not Mean, we are Free and we are Happy. We can see you, can you see We?”~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.
I know it may seem crazy that anything like this exists. It isn’t that they don’t want to be seen, it is that they have to have trust in order to be seen. It is the same with any friendship – you bare your soul to your most trusted companions. When Fae are seen, that is exactly what they are doing – letting us see them in their entirety. Take the time to find your Faerie Sight. It is a blessing you will not regret.
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