Saturday, May 1, 2010


I’ve been away for a few days doing a lot of work on the personal side of things. The thing is with intuitive living is that everything you do you can tell in one way or another is connected to everything else. So, in a way, I have been doing my blogging duties I’ve assigned for myself just in an indirect way.

I went for a walk 2 days ago and it was very windy. Dust was blowing everywhere and it’s a wonder I didn’t return home blind from all of the sand I had in my eyes. It was fun though. The wind itself gave me a clearing that only it could provide.

I was led to a neighbor’s yard I had found before about a month ago. It had me at hello. It is this home that has both an odd feeling of being lived in and being abandoned. The yard is what called me and the Fae that have found a way to make the place a little secret garden.

The plant life isn’t highly unusual – a few trees, a couple of palms, bougainvillea and a few other plants that have sprung up. What makes it so wonderful is the combination of a few things – the trees, the stone wall, and the lovely stone statue in front of the door.

Guardians are everywhere and can be such a splendor to have in our lives. Trees are amazing guardians and only need the extra love and permission to do their job. They keep the surrounding areas safe, protect the home from harm, and can offer simple comforts as shade and seasonal beauty. The thing with trees is that they will oftentimes ask their neighboring allies for help if needed. They are a strong faction and have always bent their limbs to give us comfort. Remember the book The Giving Tree? It speaks very clearly about the giving and eternally kind nature of trees.

Guardian Angels in the garden or anywhere in your home is a welcomed thing. Statues like the one I drew can be found in home and garden stores. The lovely thing about statues is that they give an essence – be it Fae, Angel, or your own personal guide – a place to ground to. It gives them a way to be more effective in their work. Not all statues have a guardian essence but they could so long as you give them ample amounts of love and light. Think of it as making a home ready for a good friend and when one moves in, just keep taking care of it as you did before. Their jobs are much the same as trees, however, they have the ease of movement and aren’t necessarily restricted to the statue.

Bringing a Guardian into your world can be very enriching. Love your neighboring trees as a start to creating this vibration. Love a statue you find endearing or eye catching – if you love it, so will a Faerie or an Angel. They want to help and only need the permission to do so.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Butterfly Medicine

I had to do some unexpected work today that kept me from getting to the FFG as soon as I would have liked. It isn’t to say that it was disagreeable work but, in all honesty, had everything to do with the message today.

I was finishing my lunch and had the momentary pleasure of seeing a butterfly dart across the front of my window. “Oh!” I thought, “Butterfly Medicine! I love Butterfly Medicine!” ;)

Butterfly is a creature that is not necessarily Fae. It does not, as in our definition, take care of the energy of both the Spiritual and Physical planes. Butterfly though carries a very important message that the Fae love to support and do so by giving Butterfly the nutrition it needs through the nectar in flowers and the leaves for it to eat when it is a young caterpillar.

Butterfly teaches us all to reach for our potential and how the growth and transformation in the middle can be truly magical. Think for just a moment the growth that a Butterfly goes through when it starts as a young caterpillar. It grows by eating and eating until it is time to change. We can learn so much from the process of Butterfly’s life by listening to its growth phase alone. It isn’t telling you to eat and eat until you are so full you cannot move, but to eat so you CAN grow and so you CAN transform. – to fill yourselves and your lives with things you can grow and be nurtured from. This is not only in food but in friends, family, and environment.

The rest of Butterfly’s growth is done in a space we cannot see. It is truly a room that is secretive and silent, no views and nothing from the outside world is aloud in until the full and total growth process and the transformation has been completed. And what a change too! Nothing is as completely wonderful in its total change as Butterfly. Not only is it a completely different form, but it has a new identity, has new strengths, new abilities, and… wings that are often times so breath taking, we haven’t any choice but to stop and stare with marvel and wonderment.

How wonderful a message that is – to grow and TRANSFORM into such a state of beauty that you are literally breathtaking and stop the world in its tracks. This is not true just for Butterfly , but for all of us. We have to choose to grow, to seek our potential and to STRIVE for it, knowing that the work in the middle is well-worth the change and utter beauty at the end. Butterfly can be sought after when you are looking to see where your potential may be. We all have a wonderful light to share with ourselves and the world. The truth in Butterfly Medicine is that it doesn’t just stop there but it has the potential to only keep getting better.

Monday, April 26, 2010

'Ole Ander

I wandered today around the block and down a street I hadn’t been yet. I live where there aren’t a lot of barriers between houses and yards and can flow from area to area between all of the paths and roads. I was led today to an area that had an abandoned home and the yard is really overgrown. The two trees in the yard looked like they had seen better days and the lemon tree in the back was a sad sight to see. I was there to really learn about the Oleander that was growing on the side of the house.

Oleander has a wonderful ability to grow in nearly every state here in the US. It is found in the form of trees, shrubs, or very tall bushes that can grow to be 10-12 feet tall and have a girth of 5-6 feet. They can have blooms of white, pink, or a very dark red.

Most people use the tall bushy kind as a natural border between their homes and the outside world. What is interesting is that Oleander’s energetic properties are very much a Guardian and a barrier between the two areas it lies between.

Oleander may be one of the more versatile Guardian plants around and have hundreds of tiny flowers that seem to be in perpetual bloom. The Fae of Oleander know how to work their magic in a spectacular way. More often than not, plants whose energetic property is to be a guardian or barrier are thorny or unpleasant to look at - think of rose bushes, hawthorn, and the cactus. Some of those are very attractive yet are very hard to handle because of the thorns.

Oleander does more than keep out negativity or energy that does not harmonize with the area being protected. It cleans and assimilates those energies into something that WILL harmonize and resonate with the areas it is a boundary for. Oleander does work that is unlike any other plant here in Arizona that I have seen so far. It can be beautiful and a great protector at the same time.

Use Oleander between areas that may have a view or access to a street or alley, or where there is a lot of foot traffic and you wish the other side of the plant to be peaceful and stable.

Call upon Oleander Fae if you need a quick harmonizing between one spot and another. It will not have as lasting of an effect as if you were to plant an Oleander bush or tree, but the Oleander Fae will do their best to ground their work into something else so the energy has a chance to harmonize and effect the area as you wished.

A Message From the Oleander Faeries:
“We spring free to help the energy. We fly to Be and to bring Harmony. We flee towards the Dark Energy to make it very pretty. We bring peace and prosperity.”
The home I was guided to today had a very large Oleander bush that was the only thing that was thriving. I could see where it was working very hard to bring peace to that home again. It helps when you see something like that to send it as much Love as you can to help it along. Who likes to see abandoned lots and homes anyway? They are sad and are looking for families to call them a good home.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Sharing the Dreams

Sundays are the day to rest at the FFG. My traveling shoes are put away for the day so I can kick back with some coffee and dream out my window. Dreaming is how anything big and grand begins! Today (and every Sunday hereafter) we will look at other artists' dreams they have put onto the page.

This has been one of my favorite paintings for years. My good friend in high school surprised me with a beautiful canvas print of the painting and it’s been with me ever since.  I love how she is just stopped in awe over the little Faeries and they welcome her with all of their Light and Love.

Midsummer's Eve
Edward Robert Hughes

This is from a German digital artist named Benita Winckler. Her work, to me, seems to allow you to forget that it is digital media and glows with a life of its own. Very stunning.

The Beckoning
Benita Winckler

The last one is from a painter who mixes fantasy and realism. Howard David Johnson helps us conceive of the stories we grew up listening to as being an actual history rather than make-believe with his paintings.

The Faerie Grove
Howard David Johnson

If you find any Faerie art that inspires you and you wish to share it with me and other readers, please send me an e-mail with the file in the form of a JPG and please remember to include the name of the piece and the artist. I like to give credit where credit is due. ;)

Take care and have a wonderful Sunday!